Items where Author is "Damanik, Vet. Asan"

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Number of items: 22.

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2018) Neutrino Masses and E?ective Majorana Mass from a Cobimaximal Neutrino Mixing Matrix. Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics (EJTP), 14 (37). pp. 73-78. ISSN 1729-5254

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2018) Neutrino mass sum-rule. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 988 (012002). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1742-6596

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2017) Neutrino masses from a co-bimaximal neutrino mixing matrix. In: Pertemuan dan Presentasi Ilmiah HFI XXXI dan Seminar Teknofisika Nuklir 2017.

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2017) Nonzero ? 13 and CP violation from cobimaximal neutrino mixing matrix. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 909 (012024). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1742-6596

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2016) Nonzero theta13 from approximate neutrino mixing matrix. In: 0853-0823, 28 Mei 2016, Salatiga.

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2015) Aplikasi prinsip simetri pada transformasi invarian gauge abelian dan non-abelian serta implikasinya terhadap hukum-hukum fisika. SIGMA, 13 (1). pp. 17-28. ISSN 1410-5888

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2014) "Nonzero $ heta_{13}$ and CP Violation from Broken $mu-au$ Symmetry". In: XXX-th International Workshop on High Energy Physics "Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology: Predictions, Observations and New Projects", Russia.

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2014) "Nonzero $ heta_{13}$ and CP Violation from Broken $mu-au$ Symmetry". In: Conference of Theoretical Physics and Nonlinear Phenomena (CTPNP) 2014, Solo.

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2014) Nonzero theta_13 and CP violation from broken mu-tau symmetry. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 539. 012012. ISSN 1742-6596

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2013) Neutrino mass matrix subject to mu-tau symmetry and invariant under a cyclic permutation. In: CTP-BUE International Conference on Neutrino Physics in the LHC Era, 21 November 2013, Luxor, Egypt.

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2012) Nonzero theta_13 and neutrino masses from modified neutrino mixing matrix. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 27. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0217-751X

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2011) Perturbed invariant under a cyclic permutation with trace of neutrino mass matrix remain constant. Modern Physics Letters A. pp. 567-574. ISSN 0217-7323

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2011) Efek isotop karbon pada spektrum interaksi vibrasi-rotasi molekul karbondioksida. Sanata Dharma University.

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2010) Modified neutrino mass matrix subject to 2-3 symmetry with vanishing Tr M. In: Seminar Nasional HFI Jateng & DIY, 10 April 2010, Semarang.

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2008) Massa Neutrino Dirac dan pemekaran Model GWS. Doctoral thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2008) Neutrino mass matrix from a seesaw mechanism with Heavy Majorana mass matrix subject to texture zero and invariant under a cyclic permutation. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Studies, 8. 01021-01025. ISSN 1979-3898

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2008) Minimal left-right symmetry model for electroweak interaction. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Studies, 7. 04031-04034. ISSN 1979-3898

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2007) Minimal left-right symmetry for electroweak interaction. In: 2nd Yogya International Physics Conference, 6-8 September 2008, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta.

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2007) Left-right symmetry model with two bidoublets and one doublet higgs fields for electroweak interaction. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Studies, 6 (0404). 04041-04045. ISSN 1979-3898

Damanik, Vet. Asan (2005) General neutrino mass matrix patterns and its underlying family simmetries. In: 2005 Asian Physics Symposium, 7-8 Desember 2005, ITB Bandung.

Damanik, Vet. Asan (1994) Nonzero ?13 and CP violation from Broken ??? Symmetry. In: XXX-th International Workshop on High Energy Physics "Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology: Predictions, Observations and New Projects", Protvino, Russia,, 23-27 June 2014, Russia.

Damanik, Vet. Asan Neutrino masses via a seesaw mechanism with Heavy Mayorana and Dirac neutrino Mass Matrices from Discrete Subgroup of detla(27) of SU(3). In: 16th International Seminar “QUARKS 2010”, Kolomna, Russia.

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