Items where Division is "Faculty of Letters > Department of English Letters" and Year is 1999

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Number of items: 43.


Agustina, Hiqma Nur (1999) The Significance of Jerry`s role in Edward Albee`s the zoo story. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Budianto, Joseph (1999) Presentation of humanistic personality of the dog characters in Jack London`s the call of the wild. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Christie, Jose (1999) Jim`s and Ella`s miseries in relation with racism in American society before the great depression in Eugene O`Neill`s all God`s chillun got wings. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Damayanti, Padmi (1999) An Interpretation on the spectacles : screen-device,set, properties, and lighting : a theatrical study on Tenessee Williams` the glass mengerie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Diah, Esther Wahyuning (1999) The significance of dagdakus myth in Jamea Joyce`s `A portrant of the artist as a young man`. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Eksi, Maria (1999) Father-and-son conflicts concerning self-interest and social responsibility in Arthur Miller`s all my sons. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Herusatoto, Hesthi (1999) The Influences of family and environment on pip`s personality development in Dickens` great expectations. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Indratno, Hugo Duwi Gunawan (1999) A sociocultural - historical study on Eugene O`Neill`s : perception on labor as seen in the Hairy Ape. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Indriani, Frida (1999) A social satire toward the post world war american society as seen in Edward Albee`s the american dream. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Kristanti, Rachel Yuni (1999) A semantic study on kinship terminology of English and Chinese. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Kristiana, Yuli (1999) A Comparison between Christian concept on human destiny and the concept of destiny in Oedipus Rex. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Kusumawati, Fransisca Emi Dian (1999) The Effects of the political events towards Jean`s sexuality development in April sinclair`s coffe will make you black. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Lestari, Puji (1999) Self awareness of racism, sexism and self-finding as seen in the main characters of Hurston`s their eyes were watching God. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Lisminarni, Dwi (1999) The Main characters as the representation of superman Shaw`s philosophy in relation to the life force in his man and superman. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Magdalena, Maria (1999) Charles Dickens`s great expectations as a work of realism. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Maria S., Helena (1999) The impact of social injustices on the character development of Silas Marner in Eliot`s Silas Marner. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Mediana, Basa Togi Marsaulina (1999) The Idea of secularism as revealed by undershaft in Shaw`s Major Barbara. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Meilasari-Sugiana, Astrid Dewi (1999) A Morphological analysis of the English derivational suffix -Ous. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Narwanti, Utari Dewi (1999) The Social criticism implied in the conflicts of George Bernard Shaw`s pygmalion. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Nurani, Theresia Hesti (1999) Redemtion of Christ as seen in man`s serach for religiosity revealed in George Herbert`s works Good Friday and Marie Magdalene. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Palupi, Lintang (1999) Holy Bible the King James versions as a literary work according to R.J. Rees`s criteria of good literature. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Perwitosari, Antonia Nugraheni (1999) Rose`s violation of God`s will in Graham greene`s the living room and its relevance in facing social progress. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Pranoto, Joli (1999) A Study pf Oedipus` life and the significance of Oedipus` punishment and suffering in Oedipus Tyrannus tragedy. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Purnawengrum, Citrasari (1999) Comedy as a device to critize the social condition [a study on Oscar Wilde`s the importance of being earnest]. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Puspitosari, Vincensia Ratna (1999) The influence of setting in Chopin`s the awakening toward the main character`s failure in rebelling against the constaint of the social values. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Putri, Erin Galuh Wahyu (1999) Human being as the victim of heredity and environments as seen in Eugene O`Neil`s desire under the Elms. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Sari, Puji Oktarini (1999) The Significance of Danny`s house to the characters in John Steinbeck`s Tortilla Flat. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sekundarwati, A. Siwi (1999) Conflicting ideas of marriage between Connie and Clifford in Lawrence`s lady chatterley`s lover. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Siantoro, Yoes (1999) Moral cristism to wards European society in the 19 th. century seen from conrad`s heart of darkness. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sirait, Rianie Srinita (1999) Criticism towards the 1950s American society as seen in salinger`s the catcher in the rye. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sri Hapsari, Setyaningrum (1999) The Structural comparison to recognize Adam and Eve`s characterization methods in Genesis of the new revised standard version of Bible and Those of the Holy Bible [Gen.2.4b-25, 3.1-24]. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sri Utari Dewi, Ni Putu (1999) Hypocrisy and sentimentalism as the social issues of the late 19th century in Britain as seen in George Bernard Shaw`s arms and the man. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sulastri, Magdalena (1999) Lady Chatterley`s lover : a picture of twentieth-century conditions in England. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Supsiadji, Mateus Rudi (1999) The Influence of marxism and nietzsche`s philosophy on Lawrence`s lady chatterley`s lover. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Susanti, Yenny (1999) A Semantic analysis on the Punch lines in English Jokes. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Suwarni, Sari (1999) Hedda Gabler`s tragedy in ibsen`s Hedda Gabler. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Utomo, Agung Ponco (1999) The significance of the point of view in Bram stoker`s dracula. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Wardoyo, A. Muman (1999) The Values in kino`s life as reflected in Steinbeck`s the pearl. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wibowo, ME. Hari Kristianto (1999) Male sexuality and neurosis as the rejection toward industrialism in Lawrence`s Lady Chatterley`s lover. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Widiantara, Agung Samudra (1999) Failures in building love relationship between male major characters and lady Brett Ashley in Ernest Hemingway`s the sun also rises. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Widyatmoko, Ignatius Bagus (1999) English negation as a dialect feature in Tom Sawyer`s speech in Mark Twain`s the adventure of Huckleberry Finn. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wijanarko, Andreas Nova Intacta Gatot (1999) The contribution of emotion and motivation toward the murderers` behaviour in poem`s the tell take hart, deeping`s the black cat and freeman`s the case of Oscar Brodski. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Yuliati, Christina Lina (1999) The Effect of troy`s unpleasant experiences in his past and present life in Cory`s life in August Wilson`s Fences. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

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