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-, Sri Wahyuni (2004) Designing a set of english instructional materials to teach speaking to elementary school teachers in group V Godean, Sleman. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

-, Tri Tinari (2004) The study on the use of cohesion devices and transition markers in writing II of semester II students of Sanata Dharma University. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Adi Wiyanto, Yohanes (2004) An enrichment programme on noun phrase analysis using phrase-marker for the second year students of The Minor Seminary of Mertoyudan : experimental research. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Ambarsari, L. Dewi (2004) Lucy Snowe`s struggle as seen in Charlotte Bronte`s novel Villette. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Amellin, Rizky Cahya (2004) Designing a set of intructional materials to teach English using total physical response method to kindergarten students. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Andriani, Rosalia Dinar (2004) A study on the relationship of English achievement with English exposure and parent`s educational levels of the second year students of SMAN I Kasihan Bantul. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Angeline H, Maria Elisabeth (2004) Designing a set of English instructional materials for Dian Gitaya International Cooking School. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Anggraeni, Helena Diah (2004) The influence of minor characters on Santiago`s personality development in Paulo Coelho`s The Alchemist. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Anggraini, Visensia Rini (2004) The effect of topic interest on reading achievement in SMU BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Arini, Veronica Anna Dwi (2004) The influence of parental love on adolescent`s romantic love relationship as reflected by Oliver and Jennifer, the main characters of Erich Segal`s Love Story. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Aristiyanto, Stefanus Giro (2004) The influence of the setting on George and lennie`s friendship in steinbeck`s of mice and men. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Ariyanti, Riana (2004) Designing learning media for the first semester english of the senior high school [SMA]. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Aryani, Theresia (2004) Jo March`s personality development as seen in Alcott`s Little Women. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Atmadi, Didiek Dwi (2004) Designing a set of English instructional materials for the first year students of industrial machine engineering of ATMI St. Mikael Surakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Augustten, Ayunda (2004) Alma Winemillers` psychological conflict as seen in Tennessee Williams` summer and smoke. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Avianita, Avianita (2004) Designing a set of english speaking materials for the owners of the ceramics showrooms at Kasongan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Belo, Dirce Maria Celia da Silva C. (2004) Grace Halsell`s social criticism toward racism as reflected in her novel Soul Sister. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Betty W.S., Natalia (2004) An anlysis of Jessica`s struggle for life as seen in Andrews` When Daylight Comes. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Bhirowo, Andreas Ronggo (2004) The influence of schizophrenia on Jhon F. Nash`s character development as seen in Sylvia Nasar`s a beautiful mind. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Budayanti, Fransisca Nuri (2004) Designing a set of Indonesian instructional materials based on the communicative competence for foreign learnes at the beggining level. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Budhihardjo, Yohana Agustin (2004) The contributions of Lord Windermere, Lord Darlington, and Mrs. Erlynne to the happiness of Lady Windermere, the main character of Oscar Wilde`s Lady Windermere`s fan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Christanti, Dessy (2004) The impact of child abuse on Dave Pelzer`s self-esteem as revealed in his trilogy, A child called `it`, The lost boy and A man named Dave. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Dewi, Agnes Magda (2004) The roles of the setting of place upon the characterization of Robinson Crusoe in Daniel Defoe`s Robinson Crusoe. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Dewi, Fransiska Wiwien Kristanti (2004) Designing a set of competency-based reading materials for 6th grade students of SD Kanisius Kanutan I Bantul Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Dewi, Ika Natali (2004) Designing a set of communicative English speaking materials for the fifth semester students of the Secretary Departement of ASMI Santa Maria Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Dyahningtyas, Anastasia Arum Sari (2004) Designing a set of English instructional speaking materials for the library service staff of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Ekawati, Nana Agustina Dhian (2004) Designing a set of english speaking instructional materials for shopkeepers at Prambanan Temple. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Febrianti, Veronika Meta (2004) The errors in constructing interogative word questions made by the second year students of SLTPK Santa Maria Sawangan Magelang. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Ferah, Ferah (2004) The influence of Coco`s personality in facing his life conflicts as revealed in Nicolai Poliakoff`s Coco The Clown. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Gunawan, Setiawan (2004) Designing a set supplementary instructional materials for the 1st grade students of elementary school by integrating putt-putt enters the race, putt-putt saves the zoo, and putt-putt travels through time computer games in the instructional design. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Handoyowati, Veronica Widi (2004) Designing a set of english instructional speaking materials for the customer service officers of Bank Central Asia in Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Hapsari, Bernadeta Lembayung (2004) Designing a set of competency-based reading materials for the faculty of psychology of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Hapsari, Francisca (2004) Social criticism toward Lebanese society in early 20th century through characters as seen in Kahlil Gibran`s The Broken Wings. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Harjono, Novita Ambarsari (2004) The analysis of the main character`s changing concept of work in George Eliot`s Silas Marner. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Harmanto, Margaretha Dharmayanti (2004) Woman`s struggle during the colonial era in Java as seen in Nyai Ontosoroh`s character of Pramoedya Ananta Toer`s this earth of mankind. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Hartanti, Yohana Fransiska Dessy (2004) The use of communicative activities in teaching speaking to the first grade students of junior high school to improve fluency. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Hartanto, Ari (2004) Designing a set of english grammar materials based on frequently-used grammar items in economics books to teach Bahasa Inggris I to students of YDHI polytechnic. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Hartono, Widhi (2004) Moral lessons reflected in Vibishana`s rebellion against King Ravana seen in R.K. Narayan`s The Ramayana. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Hastilestari, Bernadetta Rina (2004) The values of husband and wife love relationship as seen in Charles Dickens` The Cricket on The Hearth. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Hastuti, Endri Tri (2004) The influence of love on the major characters in wilder`s the bridge of San Luis Rey. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Hastuti, Erni (2004) The use of storytelling to enhance the listening ability among the third grade primary school students in the Yogyakarta International School. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Herlina, Herlina (2004) Designing a set of instructional English speaking materials for fron office personnel of Inna Garuda Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Herlina, Herlina (2004) Designing s set of supplementary pronunciation materials to teach English in the fourth grade of the elemetary school. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Hidayat, Rosalyn (2004) Fanny price`s motivations for having positive attitudes as seen in Jane Austen`s Mansfield Park. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Hutagaol, J.H. Faber A.L. (2004) The effectiveness of using discovery listening tehcnique in teaching listening to the second semester students of the english language education study programme of Sanata Dharma University. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Inawati, Inawati (2004) Montessori approach to teach English writing and reading at Edu-Play Kindergarten Jakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Irawan, Gomarus Andre (2004) Designing a set of instructional materials using songs by Josh Groban for the second year students of SMU Sang Timur Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Iskandar, Laura (2004) The influence of conflicts and abuses towards Harry Potter`s behavior in J. K. Rowling`s Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Iswanto, FX. Arie (2004) The true self of Harry Potter, the main character of JK. Rowling`s Harry Potter and the philosopher`s stone. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Jaya, Putu Danan (2004) The motivation of Karna to devote his life to Kaurava in Vyasa`s The Mahabharata. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Jizaniwati, Jizaniwati (2004) Concubinage in Chinese culture as seen in Pearl Buck`s novel The Good Earth. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Joko Pamungkas, Desiderius Satriya (2004) Designing a set of english instructional reading materials for the students of The Mechanical Engineering Department of Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Krismanto, J.C. Wahyu (2004) Hemingway`s views on masculinity and men`s relationship as reflected through the characters of Jake Barnes and Robert Cohn in the The Sun Also Rises. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Kuncorowati, Nathalia Dyah (2004) A study of Frodo Baggin`s motivation and personality development as a ring-bearer as seen in Tolkien`s the fellowship of the ring. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Kurniawati, Natalia Ika Prasetyo (2004) Paragraph writing for the third grade students of the junior high school. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Kustulasari, Ag. (2004) Designing a set of extracurricular interactive materials for the first grade students of SMU Sang Timur Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Kusuma, Victor Teddy Tejo (2004) The influence of fear on Denis` avoidance motive as seen in Huxley`s Crome Yellow. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Kusumaningsih, Yuliana (2004) A study on Maggie Moran`s motives to Reunite Jesse and Fiona as seen in Tyler`s Breathing Lessons. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Kusumawardhani, Maria Dyah (2004) A survey study on the relationships of reading materials toward freshmen`s reading achievement scores and cognitive skills in reading in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Kusumawati, Rani Nurhandayani (2004) Designing a set of English instructional speaking materials for AMA Yogyakarta staff. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Lesmana, Daniel Deny (2004) A Study of Rudolf`s dictatorship as portrayed in H.G. Wells` The Holy Terror. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Lestari, Christiana Dwi (2004) The influence of war on racial discrimination and Kabuo`s personality development as seen in David Guterson`s Snow Falling in Cedars. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Lestari, Yenny (2004) The character development of Silas Marner as a result of the other character`s bad treatments as seen in George Eliot`s Silas Marner. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Louis, Irwan Reynaldo (2004) The reflection of Amy Tan`s personal life experiences as seen in Jing-Mei `June` Woo`s character of her novel The Joy Luck Club. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


M, Maria Diyah Anggraeny (2004) Designing a set of english instructional speaking materials for souvenir sellers on Jalan Malioboro. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Magdalena, Sri Lestari (2004) Designing computer based vocabulary materials for fourth grade of elementary school using visual basic 6. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Manggo, Agnes Meiria Dwihastuti (2004) The inner and outer factors that influence Veronika`s motivation to live as reflected in Paulo Coelho`s Veronika Decides to Die. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Marganingsih, Esti (2004) The reflection of Douglas Coupland`s view of life in Karen, the main character of Douglas Coupland`s girlfriend in a Coma. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Mariana, Lily (2004) Feminism in the early twentieth century of America as revealed through Edwina Winfield`s personality development in Danielle Steel`s no greater love. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Mayasari, Y. Lollyta Dewi (2004) The effect of irony on the personality development of Thomas and Louisa Grandgrind in Charles Dickens` hard times. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Meliza, Christina (2004) The influence of minor characters on Marguerite`s personality development in Angelou`s i know why the caged bird sings. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Merdekaningsih, Fitri (2004) Designing a set of instructional english materials to teach business letter writing to The Rattan Furniture Company assistans in Trangsan, Sukoharjo sub distric. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Meridiana, C. (2004) The influence of Chinese beliefs on Ying-Ying St. Clair`s behavior in Amy Tan`s The Joy Luck Club. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Miantara, Gregorius (2004) The personality changes of the central character as seen in Joseph Conrad`s Nostromo. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Minanto, Niki Nugrah (2004) The meaning of love and struggle for awife and for her homosexual husband in Carol Lynn Pearson`s Good-bye, i love you. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Monika, Monika (2004) A study of the influence of society on Maggie`s personality development in George Eliot`s The Mill on The Floss. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Novianti, Novianti (2004) Kwan, one of the major characters Amy Tan`s the hundred secret senses : the meaning behind her attitude toward Olivia, her sister. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Novita, Eka (2004) Uncovering sexual issues in Nitta Sayuri`s life in Arthur golden`s memoirs of a Geisha. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Nugraha, Suitbertus Fajar (2004) Designing a set of english instructional speaking materials emphasizing pre-communicative activities for Hotel Galuh receptionists. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma Universiy.

Nugraheni, Anna Kus (2004) The influence of friendship between Leslie and Jess on Jess` personality development as seen in Katherine Paterson`s Bridge to Terabithia. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Nugroho, Kristyanto (2004) Designing a set of instructional speaking materials using games for the extra-curricular activity of the eighth grade students of SMP Banguntapan II Bantul. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Nyomanto, Meilyna (2004) A study of the influence of family history on Milkman dead`s personality development in Toni Morrison`s Song of Solomon. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Okty, Santy (2004) Designing English instructional materials using pictures as the media to teach vocabulary to the first grade students of Fransiskus 2 Elementary School in Lampung. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Ong, Yoelia (2004) Feminism as reflected in Nawal El Saadawi`s novel woman at point zero. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Pamungkas, Andreas Sigit (2004) Designing a set of english instructional speaking materials for vendors on jalan Malioboro Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Pamungkas, Stephanus Danang (2004) A study on the strategies used by skilled and skilled student translators at Sanata Dharma University. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Paramita, Dominica Raras Roem Dyah (2004) Love seen in Blake`s The Sick Rose, Burns` A Red, Red Rose, and Herrick`s to The Virgins to make musch of time. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Parcoyo, Yohanes Atas (2004) The struggle for finding one`s personal identity as seen in Ernest Pontifex, the main character of Samuel Buttler`s The Way of All Flesh. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Patimasang, Linda Meiske (2004) Designing a set of English speaking instructional materials for taxi drivers. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Perdana, Abhirama Swastyayana Dian (2004) A study of the influence of the secondary characters, Gandalf and Aragorn, on the personality development of the major character, Frodo Baggins, in J.R.R. Tolkien`s The lord of the Rings : the fellowship of the ring. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Poerwatiningsih, Lelyana Soerna (2004) Designing a set of reading comprehension materials for the second trimester students of The Performing Art Faculty of Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Prakoso, Brodjo Arie (2004) The unfulfilled dream as seen in the life of DR. Copeland, the main character of Mccullers` The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Prasetyowati, Natalia Dwi (2004) Designing a set of english instructional materials for the marketing staff of freight forwarders in Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Pratikno, Ndaru (2004) Designing a standardized english vocabulary test for senior high school students. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Pratitisari, Rigen (2004) Firdaus` motivation in becoming a prostitute as revealed in Nawal El Saadawi`s woman at point zero. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Prihaningsih, Pricillia Linawati Cahya (2004) A comparative study on the use of group discussion and mini-dialog in teaching speaking to the first grade students of SMA BOPKRI Banguntapan Bantul Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Prihastuty, Emilia (2004) Designing a set of english supplementary materials using communicative exexrcises to teach grammar to the second semester of the third grade students of SLTP ST. Aloysius 1 Bandung. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Prihatmo, Parjana Eman (2004) Developing a set of listening and vocabulary instructional materials for the third year students vocational school YPKK 1 Sleman Yogyakarta as a preparation to do the standardized Toeic test. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Pujiantini, Dewi (2004) The Public speaking anxiety level and the strategies to overcome the anxiety of the fifth semester students of Sanata Dharma University. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Pujikurniawati, Andri (2004) The perceptions of the intermediate students at LBA-Interlingua Yogyakarta toward the implementation of the peer writing revision. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Purwandari, Caecilia (2004) A competency-based English learning for the first year of the vocational high school. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Puspita, Sherly Dian (2004) Designing a set of English instructional listening materials for the first semester students of the first grade of senior high school based on the competency based curriculum. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Puspitasari, Diana Dewi (2004) Designing a set of supplementary extensive reading materials for the second grade of junior high school students. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Putri, Dharmasanti Rawidya (2004) A preliminary study on the use of the student presentation technique in research in english language teaching subject. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Ratnawati, Irine Indri (2004) Developing a set of computer-based vocabulary materials for kindergarten students. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Ratri, Monica Niken Galuh (2004) Designing instructional material to teach speaking to retail store sales clerks. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Retnowulan, Retnowulan (2004) Social criticism towards French aristocracy as seen through Christopher Newman, the main character of Henry James` The American. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Riana, Maria Goreti Ika (2004) A study of the functions of foreign expressions in Umar Kayam`s Seribu Kunang-Kunang di Manhattan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Rianugraha, Yose (2004) Designing a set of english conversational materials as an extra curricular activity for the intermediate and advanced learners of The Intensive English Course [IEC] Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Rosari, Fransisca Andriana Titi (2004) Personality development of the main character Nitta Sayuri in Arthur Golden`s Memoirs of a Geisha. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Rosari, Renati Winong (2004) English learning at playgroup : action research. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Rosiani, Sely (2004) Designing a set of vocabulary exercises to support reading comprehension for the first grade of SLTP students in the first semester. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Sakundiningtiasari, Sakundiningtiasari (2004) Designing a set of english materials for visually-impaired masseurs at Mardi Wuto Social Agency. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Santoso, Andreas Yogi (2004) Agreement of pronouns among the first year students of SMP Kanisius St. Aloysius Baturetno-Wonogiri. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Santoso, Evy (2004) A study of the implementation of reinforcement strategies in speaking classes in the english language education study program of Sanata Dharma University. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sari, Ratna Iswara (2004) Savannah`s psychosis resulted from her traumatic past life experience as seen in Pat Conroy`s The Prince of Tides. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sari, Reski Perwita (2004) Designing a set of English supplementary instructional reading materials using short comics for the first year students of Junior High School. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Setyatami, Fredericka Krisma (2004) Designing a set of english extracurricular speking materials for the first grade students of the business and management Department of BOPKRI I vocational high school. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sianturi, Rudy Ronald (2004) The spiritual journey of Marlo Morgan in mutant message down under as seen through the jungian individuation process : a psychological study. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sri Minarni, Vebi (2004) Designing a set of instructional materials to teach speaking to the first year students of the junior high school at SMPN 1 Depok as a pilot project of the competency-based curriculum. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sri Mukti Hariningsih, Theresia (2004) A study on the use of role plays to increase student`s motivation to speak in speaking activity of elementary level at LBA InterlinguA. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sri Ratna Dewi, Juwita (2004) Designing a set of speaking instructional materials for batik showroom assistants in Pekalongan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sri Wahyuningsih, Th. (2004) Designing a set of instructional speaking materials using fairy stories for the first year students of SMUN-1 Depok Babarsari Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sukendro, Anita (2004) An analysis on the two contradictive personalities of Dr. Hannibal Lecter towards other characters as seen in Thomas Harris`s Hannibal. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sunadi, Vini (2004) The analysis of mother-daughter relationships in Amy Tan`s the Bonesetter`s Daughter. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Surayanti, Ika (2004) An analysis of the family influence on Chaterine Linton`s personality development as seen in Emily Bronte`s Wuthering Heights. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Susanti, Theresia Nia (2004) Designing a set of instructional materials for mass media communication course at the English Language education study program Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Susanto, Nanang (2004) The influence of commiting adultery on the characters` personality development seen in Graham Greene`s The Living Room. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Suseno, Rumeka Cahyo (2004) The study of John Proctor`s conflicts in Arthur Miller`s The Crucible as a Member of Puritan Society. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sutejo, Wahyu Imam (2004) A comparative study of the use of visuals and models to teach vocabulary to the fourth grade students of elementary school. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Suwartiningsih, G.T.A. (2004) Applying the total physical response technique to teach English to the second grade o Kanisius Elementary School Demangan Yogyakarta : a case study. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Tresnowati, RR. Yudith Mariaran (2004) Latifa`s liberation during the taliban era in Afghanistan as seen in her work My Forbidden Face. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Tri Kartika Rini, Eny (2004) The significance of Pearl for Kino in rising his status in the society in John Steinbeck`s The Pearl. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Trimurtiningsih, Christiana Sarwosari (2004) Designing a set of extracurricular instructional materials for teaching speaking based on the competency -based curriculum to the third grade students of SMP Kanisius Kalasan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Triyanta, Yohanes (2004) Designing a set of instructional speaking materials using group discussion techniques for the novices of the congregation of the brothers of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga in Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Vebriliana, Theodula Betty (2004) The literacy levels of the junior high school students as revealed by the cloze test. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


W.R.S., Lestari (2004) Designing a set of english instructional speaking materials for the manager and the supervisors of the PT. Karya Unggul Lestari Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wardani, Beti Kusuma (2004) Children`s respect and obedience to parents seen in Vyasa`s The Mahabharata : the book of the beginning. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Warni, Silih (2004) Designing a set of english speaking instructional materials for tourist guides in Desa Wisata Srowolan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Widhiasi, Arviana Wuri (2004) Designing a set of english instructional speaking materials for the tour guides of nJeron Beteng Heritage Trail Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Widiati, Natalia Dewi (2004) Designing a set of instructional speaking materials for the travel agents of PT Surya Sarana Wisata. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Widiawati, Enny (2004) Designing a set of speaking materials for the first year students of the english speaking club of SMU Pius Bakti Utama Purworejo. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Widyawardhani, Shelley Clarissa (2004) The influences of being brought up by a single parent father on the development of Rebecca`s character as seen in Sir Walter Scott`s novel Ivanhoe. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wijayanti, Yunita Rizky (2004) Gender inequalities experienced by o-lan in Pearl S. Buck`s the good earth. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wijayatri, Lucia Yeni (2004) Designing a set of supplementary grammar materials using competency based curriculum for the second grade students of Magelang Tarakanita Senior High School. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Winardi, Eko Rustanto (2004) Designing a set of speaking materials using communicative tasks for the cleaning servise and security staffs of Gembiraloka Zoo. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wiratmi, Dominica Nursanti Indah (2004) Designing a set of English speaking and writing instructional materials for etnoreflika employees Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wirawan, Sandra Dewi (2004) The phsycological disorder of the central characters in William Faulkner`s the sound and the fury. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wismabrata, Michael Hangga (2004) Designing a set of instructional speaking materials using a group discussion technique for adult learners at Pakumas Hotel. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wiyanto, Searle (2004) An analysis of The British influence on The Igbo people and their reactions toward it in Chinua Achebe`s things fall apart. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wulandari, Nursita (2004) The protagonists` conflicts as a reflection of Pramudya`s life in this earth of mindkind. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wulandari, Valentina Henny (2004) Designing a set of reading instructional materials for the first semester students of the accounting program of Sanata Dharma University. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wulandari, Yosephine Maria Dar Agung Yekti (2004) The influence of Federico Garcia Lorca`s homosexuality on his poems. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Yudiarini, Ida (2004) A study of the influenceof childhood traumatic experiences of fraternal twins Rahel and Estha on their adulthood personalities, as revealed in Arundhati Roy`s The God of Small Things. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Yuliana, Anna Betty (2004) Designing a set of speaking instructional materials using the controlled to free techniques for students in STIE Kerja Sama Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Yuliarti, Kristina (2004) Designing a set of instructional speaking materials for the front office staff of Panti Rapih hospital. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Yuliawati, Nancy (2004) A study of paternal love in a homosexual realtionship as reflected in James Courage`s a way of love. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Zaroh, Wiwik Fatimatus (2004) Designing a set of instructional materials to enhance public speaking skills through debates for the extracurricular activitie of the second grade students of SMA N 8 Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

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