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Adinda, Mia Sekar (2021) Teacher`s Belief and Practice on the Efficient Application Used in Online Teaching and Learning Activities During Covid-19 Pandemic. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Adisatya, Sania (2021) Women`s language features used by Lara Jean in the movie to all the boys I`ve Loved Before P.S I Still Love You. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Aditama, Hendrikus Pralambang Wahyu (2021) Student`perception on Peer Feedback activity through google docs to foster collaborative learning in critical reading and writing II class. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Agrestyowatie, Elvira (2021) The analysis of illocutionary force of slang words in the fate of the furious movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Aji, Isodorus Paramata (2021) Student`s perception of the implementation of tiktok as assignment media in speaking class. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Alfiani, Emiliana Hema Malini (2021) The analysis of speech functions used by the main characters in The Titanic Movie Script. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Anandari, Christina Lhaksmita (2021) Learning and Learning EFL: A Perspective. Sanata Dharma University Press.
Andani, Regina Olga (2021) Deixis Found in J.K. Rowling`s fantastic beasts and where to find them screenplay and the distribution in the grammar courses of 2016 PBI curriculum. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Anselma, Yonas Yona (2021) The analysis of the flouted maxims used by the major characters in the "Coco" movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Arba, Rachel Silva (2021) Code-Switching Used by the Characters in Coco Movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Arbayati, Suwarni (2021) Designing online exercises of English tenses using quizizz for the second semester students of Business Administration In Polytechnic Sendawar. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Ardanari, Maria Jyesta (2021) Metaphorical expressions in Maroon 5`s song lyrics: types and meanings. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Arganinggar, Lintang (2021) SMP Pangudi Luhur Wedi Klaten Students’ Perceptions on the Virtual Meeting Application for English Learning Activity During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Arintasari, Angela Merici Ayu (2021) A Study of Fa Mulan`s Motivation in Joining the War as Seen in Rita Hsiao`s Mulan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Arisudhana, Alexander Patrick I Wayan Adi (2021) Students` Perceptions on the implementation of online learning during COVID-19 pandemic in SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Astuti, Yustina Dyah Ratna (2021) Error Analysis on Language Features of Descriptive Text by Eighth Grade Students of SMP Kanisius Wonogiri. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Ayu, Rebecca Sarah (2021) The portrayal of sexism experienced by Korean women seen in Cho Nam Joo`s Kim ji Young, born 1982. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Buana, Ridwan Lintang (2021) Improving SMAN 3 Bantul students` motivation to learn English using Quizizz. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Butar, Yohana Afrita Butar (2021) Implementing Quizizz to Increase Students` Motivation to Learn English Online. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Cendra, Anastasia Nelladia and Budiraharjo, Markus (2021) Describing a systematic reflection for pre-service teachers' professional identity: A case study. Journal of English Education and Linguistic Studies, 8 (1). pp. 119-145. ISSN (P) 24072575, (E) 25032194
Clara, Clara (2021) Quizizz As A Gamification-Based Assessment Tool To Evaluate The English Vocabulary Mastery For Seventh Grade In SMPN 1 Seyegan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Damayanti, Skolastika Sarah Devina (2021) ELESP students` speaking anxiety in online public speaking class. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Dananjaya, Christoforus Gita (2021) Radical feminist movement in Nawal El-Saadawi`s woman at point zero. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Denachristy, Denachristy (2021) The Effectiveness of Using Lyricstraining Application on Vocabulary Mastery in SMP N 1 Seyegan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Dewi, Klaudia Mega Kusuma (2021) Delving into the students` foreign language speaking anxiety in speaking I class of ELESP Sanata Dharma University. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Dira, Benito (2021) ELESP Students` Perceptions on EFL Learners` Anxiety After Watching Animated Educational Videos. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Edjo, Clara Juniar (2021) Students` Experience of Online Learning in SMA Pangudi Luhur Santo Yosef Surakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Ekasiwi, Alvia Nurrahma (2021) The representation of culture in the textbook entitled "Pathway to English for SMA/MA grade XII". Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Elbarado, Franciscus Alvito (2021) The motivation and heroism within Thanos in Christopher Markus. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Ernawan, Kezia Kartika (2021) Idiomatic Expressions Used in Soundtrack Lyrics of The Greatest Showman Movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Frisnanda, Alif (2021) The benefits of becoming an English tutor to improve English proficiency and soft skill in ELESP of Santa Dharma University. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Gavenila, Euodia Inge and Wulandari, Mega and Renandya, Willy A. (2021) Using TED Talks for Extensive Listening. PASAA Journal, 61. pp. 147-175. ISSN 2287-0024
Gloria, Gloria (2021) The Analysis of Structural Ambiguity in Economic Newspapers Headlines. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Goesly, Luh Pidjar Azizan Atmaja (2021) An analysis of translation acceptability of JKT48 English single song lyrics. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Hartami, Adhiningtyas Dyah (2021) The guidance of Self-Agency in Erin Gruwell`s life as a teacher as seen in the freedom writers movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Hayuningtyas, Sinta (2021) An analysis of figurative languages used in selected Justin Bieber`s songs of changes album. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Heniawati, Maria (2021) Pre-service English Teachers`Challenges and Coping Strategies on Implementing Online Learning. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Inggitajna, Annisa Agra (2021) Designing English self-learning materials for tourist guides of Dharma Wiratama Museum. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Innosanti, Nindya Ayu (2021) Exploring Metaphors in Hillsong Unitedâ`s Selected Song Lyrics. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Isnawidayani, Destiarum (2021) Polysemy and Metaphorical Extension of The Word Blue. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Jakti, Richardo Danang Asmoro (2021) Analysis of neologisms created during coronavirus pandemic. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Jati, Kusuma (2021) Types and strategies of requests in lean on me (1989) movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Kanasya, Alfonsa Vina (2021) Presupposition in Frozen II Movie Script. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Kanita, Maria Vanesa (2021) Crowley`s motivation to stop the apocalypse as seen in Pratchett and Gaiman`s good omens. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Kesumo, Pius Rengganu Katon (2021) Students` perceptions towards the use of short stories to enrich vocabulary mastery. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Kilaola, Klarisia Favaronalig (2021) The comparison in self-agency values between Sanata Dharma University and 14 universities in Indonesia in the face of pancemic covid-19. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Kinanti, Helena Sekar (2021) The Analysis of Illocutionary Acts Used by The Main Character in the Script of Pitch Perfect 2. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Komalig, Maria Letisia (2021) The influence of le Domas family on Grace`s personality development in ready or not movie script. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Krisdayanti, Anastasya Putri (2021) Politeness Strategies Used by The Main Characters in Bee Movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Krisdian, Joseph Emmanuel (2021) The analysis of metaphors found from the movie “Life of Pi”. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Krismayasari, Desta (2021) The implementation of bilingual education in teaching and learning process: a case study of English subject at SMAN 1 Patuk. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Krisnadewara, Eduardus Rangga (2021) Exploring an English teacher`s experience teaching in the online classroom setting in elementary school. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Kristanti, Katarina Vania (2021) Lara Jean`s intrapersonal conflicts in to all the boys i`ve loved before movie script. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Kristiadi, Septedy Asgar (2021) Extensive reading and school literacy movement: programs for increasing students` English literacy. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Kristiani, Anastasia Linda (2021) An Analysis of Register Phenomena Used by the Beauty Youtubers in Everyday Makeup Tutorial Videos. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Kristiyana, Fabyola Petra (2021) Tinker Bell`s Personality Development Related to Romantic Jealousy Towards Wendy Darling as Seen in J.M. Barrie`s Peter Pan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Kristiyani, Christina and Mukti, Thomas Wahyu Prabowo and Pemenang, Fransisca Ditawati Nur (2021) Online Learning Perceptions From The Students In The Frontier, The Outermost, And The Least Developed Regions In Indonesia. SNFKIP.
Kristiyani, Christina and Mukti, Thomas Wahyu Prabowo and Pemenang, Fransisca Ditawati Nur (2021) Online learning: perceptions from the students in the frontier, the outermost, and the least developed regions in Indonesia. In: Seminar Nasional Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Kependidikan (SNFKIP) 2021, Universitas Sanata Dharma.
Kumalasari, Eva Utami (2021) Designing supplementary instructional material to teach parts of speech using colouring text module for the tenth grade students of SM. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Kuncorojati, Wisnu Alfi (2021) Designing learning materials to Enrich students` vocabulary using webtoon in SMP Kanisius Pakem. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Kusumaningrum, Maria Asumpta Deny and Yulia, Made Frida (2021) Students` Attributions on English Reading Skill in Aviation Field. English Language Teaching and Research Journal, 5 (2). pp. 93-104. ISSN 2579-8235
Kuswidanti, Kalista Bekinda (2021) Students` Speaking Anxiety In The Play Performance Class. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Larasati, Marselina Yolanda Intan (2021) Improving the students` ability in writing descriptive text through content based instruction at SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Lazar, Paskalina Dwi Intan Bui (2021) Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Song Lyrics of Les Misérables Original Broadway Soundtrack. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Lensia, Betri (2021) Students` perceptions on the use of TED talks in intermediate listening for English Language Education Study Program. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Lestari, Anastasia Tri (2021) Conflicts experienced by the Protagonist in the Zootopia Movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Lestari, Asih (2021) Students` perception on the use of Kahoot! as a game-based learning to increase participation in learning English at SMA Bentara Wacana Muntilan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
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Lopes, Gabriel Deyana (2021) Students` perception of ted talks video to improve their public speaking skills. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Lusiana, Fania Mira (2021) Students` Perceptions on The Use of English Songs in Online Pronunciation 1 Class. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Mahendra, Nicholas Bagus Deva (2021) The challenges of online learning in public speaking class. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Makalingga, Dissa Aruna (2021) Analysis of moral messages on three main characters and implicit meaning in the schindler`s list movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Margyaningsih, Teresia Ratna (2021) The Implementation of Google Sites to Engage Senior High School Students in Collaborative Writing Activity. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Marwanti, Serafina Arline (2021) The politeness strategies used by Ellen DeGeneres and Barack Obama in The Ellen Show season 11 episode 122 and season 13 episode 101. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Mentari, Putri (2021) Types of Metaphorical Expressions in Ed Sheeran`s Song “The a Team”. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Mulatsih, Maria Vincentia Eka and Aurora, Vincentia Devina (2021) Self Regulated Learning in Butet Manurungs The Jungle School. International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching, 5 (2). pp. 148-157. ISSN 2548-8430
Nabila, Kafa Bella (2021) Students` experience in joining English Online Learning Class during COVID-19 pandemic in SMA N 1 Prambanan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Napitupulu, Esther Febriana Tiurmaida (2021) Categories of speech functions used by Totto-Chan and Mr. Kobayashi in Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Nastiti, Maria Graciela Wuri and Veniranda, Yohana (2021) Using taboo game to improve vocabulary of grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Semin Gunungkidul. The 7 th LLTC Proceedings. pp. 61-69.
Natver, Marianus Tri (2021) Types and Motives of Swearing in The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck Book. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Ningrum, Theresia Rosa Sulistia (2021) Indonesian-English Code-Mixing in Satu Persen Podcast in Spotify. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Nugraha, Yan Prima Widhia (2021) Microteaching student teachers` perceptions on the utilization of virtual teaching simulation during covid 19 pandemic period. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Nugraheni, Albertina Murti (2021) Student`s Perception on The Implementation of Vocabulary Journal to Kelas Persiapan Pertama in Seminari Menengah Mertoyudan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Nugroho, Alpha Setia Budi (2021) An analysis of slang words used by the main characters in Friday movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Nuranggraeni, Silvia Dwi (2021) The Actions of Women in Okky Madasari`s The Years of the Voiceless. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Ockey, Gary J. and Muhammad, Ananda Astrini and Prasetyo, Agustinus Hardi and Elnegahy, Sondoss and Kochem, Timoty and Neiriz, Reza (2021) Iowa State University’s English placement test of oral communication in times of COVID-19. Language Assessment Quarterly, 18 (1). pp. 26-35. ISSN 1543-4311
Oldini, Stella Ludwina (2021) Students` perceptions on the implementation of hot seating strategy to improve Junior High School students` speaking fluency. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Padmasari, Clara Visia (2021) Mr. Todd`s Motivation to Murder in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Palupi, Maria Octaregna (2021) Code-switching phenomena in Vina Kanasya`s blog. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Pangastuti, Vincencia Irine (2021) Improving the ninth grade students` speaking skill through dragons: gift of the night fury movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Pangkado, Veronika Daphne (2021) Teacher`s Strategies on Managing Online Classroom in SMP Santo Aloysius Gonzaga Nyarumkop. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
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Pasaribu, Truly Almendo and Wulandari, Mega (2021) EFL teacher candidates’ engagement in mobile-assisted flipped classroom. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, 22 (3). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1302-6488
Pattiasina, Ricard Abraham Christoffel Immanuel (2021) Peter`s personality development as seen in Pennypacker`s Pax novel. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Poetra, Alexius Octova Reinaldy (2021) Rodrick Heffley`s Characterization and Personality in Jeff Kinney`s Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Based on Psychoanalysis Theory. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Prabaningtyas, Hana Lintang (2021) The correlation between the intensity of youtube usage and vocabulary acquisition in English language learning. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Prabowo, Andreas Wahyu (2021) The Meaning of Harry`s Death of McDonagh`s In Bruges as Depicted in its Movie Script. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Prakosa, Vinsensius Yudha Wijaya (2021) Students` challenges in synchronous-online English learning during covid-19 pandemic in State Senior High School 1 Depok Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Pratiwi, Clara Anisa (2021) The Use pf Google Classroom to Enhance Students` Motivation in Learning English at Pangudi Luhur Wedi Klaten Junior High School. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Prayitno, Christian Ipunk Putut (2021) The meaning of love as seen in Coldplay`s "Yellow". Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Prayogi, Alesandro Woisela and Wulandari, Mega (2021) Implementing a mobile application Quizlet to help Senior High School students learn vocabulary. ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching, 10 (1). pp. 97-99. ISSN e-ISSN 2721-4532
Purnamaningwulan, Rina Astuti (2021) Video-Assisted Extensive Listening Program to Improve Pre-service EFL Teachers' Listening Skills. CELTIC - A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics, 8 (1). pp. 33-43. ISSN E-ISSN: 2621-9158
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Purnamaningwulan, Rina Astuti (editor) (2021) Panduan Pembelajaran di Luar Program Studi. Sanata Dharma University Press, Yogyakarta. ISBN ISBN: 978-623-6103-29-6
Purnamaningwulan, Rina Astuti (editor) and Mukti, Thomas Wahyu P. (editor) (2021) A Tribute to Bu Retno & Her 39-year Journey in PBI. Sanata Dharma University Press, Yogyakarta. ISBN ISBN: 978-623-6103-06-7
Purnomo, Faiza Ori Hutami (2021) Multiple-choice questions tests in LKS Bahasa Inggris kelas XII based on Anderson and Krathwohl`s Taxonomy. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Purwananda, Stanislaus Costa Yozian (2021) Therapeutic communication by Dr. Isaac Bogoch in answering children`s questions about covid-19 in “Your Morning” youtube video. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Puspita, Fransisca Dina Dwi (2021) EFL students` perceptions on the use of English songs in vocabulary learning. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Putra, Andreas Taruna Dwi (2021) The non observance of cooperative maxims found in the monster university movie script. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Putri, Mercy Krisita Omega (2021) A study on students` perceptions of whatsapp discussion for learning English in SMA Frater Makassar. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Rinanto, Nikola Alodia (2021) Indonesian Tourism Discourses and Their Interpersonal Meanings Seen on Instagram Stories of Indonesia Travel Account. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Rony, Amelia Kristian (2021) Students` learning strategies to reduce speaking anxiety in speaking II class of ELESP Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Rosemarie, Brigitta (2021) The analysis of silent consonants in the 2nd semester students` pronunciation. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Safira, Diva (2021) A Study of Figurative Language Found in Epik High`s Amor Fati and Eyes Nose Lips Song Lyrics. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Saputro, Fransiskus Wisnu (2021) Verbal Kint`s motivation to escape from Interrogation in Christopher McQuarrie`s The Usual Suspects Movie Script. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Saraswati, Dona Widia (2021) Using canva to develop an English instructional module for barista. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Saraswati, Noviantika (2021) Gender roles as seen through the use of sexist language in bombshell. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Sari, Florentina Gracelia Inggar Kusuma (2021) The meaning of love as seen in a song "Jealous" by Labrinth. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Sari, Indah Novi (2021) The influence of Mr.Kobayashi`s educational philosophy on students` behavior in Kuroyanagi`s Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Setyorini, Chatarina Novita (2021) A genteel view of transgender pioneer in the danish girl movie script. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Sinaga, Theresia Sherina (2021) Code Switching Used by The Main Characters in My Stupid Boss Movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Sinom, Patrick Adtya Pratama (2021) Reviewing English extensive reading research studies from 2017 - 2021. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Soebijantono, Kezia Vanessy (2021) A phenomenological study on students` lived experience on virtual interaction. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Sugati, Aprilia Anindya Asti (2021) The Implementation of English Songs to Improve Vocabulary and Pronunciation in the 8th Grade of Junior High School. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Suharto, Ardian Nur Hidayat (2021) Politeness strategies used by Owen Chase in "In The Heart of The Sea" movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
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Sulistyowati, Monica (2021) The representation of women characters in Noel`s private lives based on liberal feminist theory. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Sulkarinanto, Dwi Rachmad (2021) The meaning of suicidal act done by Neil Perry, the main character of Tom Schulman`s dead poets society. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
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Susatyaprajna, Rafael Emanuelle Dyota (2021) Speech function analysis on Thor`s utterances in marvel cinematic universe movie entitled Thor: Ragnarok. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Tarigan, Dismas Reynara (2021) The use of hedging and boosting by Emma Watson speech entitled "HeforShe" in UN campaign 2014. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Taurista, Angelina Meta (2021) EFL pre-service teacher perceptions of their readiness levels and challenges of online teaching during covid-19 pandemic. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
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Wahyuningsih, Imelda (2021) Students` Perceptions on the use of Google Docs for Online Collaborative Writing during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Wardani, Wardani, Brigitta Tyas Asihnanda (2021) Politeness strategies used by the main character in five feet apart movie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Wardoyo, Eropania Tiara (2021) Conversation analysis of adjacency pairs on Gita Savitri Devi`s youtube video. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Wianie, Ramyola Arisha (2021) Students` Perception on Online Learning in SMP Negeri 2 Dusun Selatan, Central Kalimantan. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Wibowo, Thomas Sankristo Satrio (2021) Students` perceived impacts of online video in vocabulary learning. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Wicaksana, Eka Aditya (2021) An analysis of metaphors in Danilla Riyadi`s selected songs lyrics. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
Widiyanto, Yosef Endika (2021) Cognitive linguistic analysis in metaphors of hope in YIP Harburg lyrics. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
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Widyaningrum, Fransisca Reza Putri (2021) A Set of English Instructional Materials of the Hosts of Home-cooking Class in Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
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Wulandari, Indri (2021) Students` perceptions on the online reflection writing activity and virtual mentoring in SMA Dominikus Wonosari. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.
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