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, Widiana (2006) Designing a set of integrated instructional materials based on multiple intelligences theory for the second grade of Pangudi Luhur 2 Junior High School students. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Aji, Gregorius Punto (2006) The national curriculum and the English Education Study Program (EESP) curriculum reform: its conceptual foundation, role, qualification, design and implementation. Widya Dharma, 16 (2). pp. 169-180. ISSN 0853-0920

Aji, Gregorius Punto (2006) The role of information and communication media in second/foreign language acquisition. LLT Journal. pp. 55-63. ISSN 1410-7201

Andayani, Ratna (2006) A study of autism in Mark Haddon`s The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Anggrahini, Marta Watik (2006) A study on the effect of peer-feedback on the grammatical awareness of the PBI students in writing class. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Angraeni, Maria (2006) Designing a set of english speaking materials using pair work technique based on task based learning for an englisg extracurricular class in Pangudi Luhur 2 junior high school. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Anna, Maria Margaretha (2006) A study of Jeanette`s personal conflicts as a wife of a pedophile in Scott Campbell`s Touched. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Apritawati, Clara Citra (2006) The meanings of death of the five killed victims in Thornton Wilder`s The Bridge of San Luis Rey. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Ardini, Melania Tanty (2006) A study of lady audley`s struggles for a better life in braddon`s lady audley`s secret. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Ardiyati, Silvester Binta (2006) Designing a set of instructional speaking materials for the second year students of SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta using a task-based approach. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Arisanthi, Dian (2006) The influence of nihilsm as seen in Bazarov, Arkady and Sitnikov, the characters of Ivan Turgenev`s fathers and sons [1862]. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Astutiningsih, Christina Endang Dwi (2006) The perception of the first grade students of Pangudi Luhur 2 Yogyakarta Junior High School on their english teaching learning activities. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Baskoro, Dionius Aryo (2006) Pramoedya Ananta Toer`s the fugitive : reflecting nationalism in the main character through its characterization. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Budi Prasetyo, Galih (2006) Elizabethan society`s belief in the existence of supernatural powers as revealed in Shakespeare`s Macbeth. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Darmawi, Hadi (2006) The exixtence of five principles in a communicative exercise type in two material sources : a documentary analysis study of Joana Karmel`s ``96 games for beginners in ESL`` and Jull Hadfield`s `` Elementary communication games``. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Derajati, Safitri (2006) A study of the non CBC-Based UAN and the CBC-Based UAN for the senior high school. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Dewanti, Fransiska Ani (2006) Designing a set of English instructional materials for kindergarten children to enhance their vocabulary acquisition based on the theory of multiple intelligences. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Dharmawan, H.Y Arif (2006) The contribution of the faires in solving the conflict among the lovers in William Shakespeare`s a midsummer night`s dream. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Elissa P., Claudya Fransisca (2006) Feminism as revealed through the character of Dr. Kat Hunter in Sidney Sheldon`s nothing lasts forever. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Emilia, Emilia (2006) Designing a set of writing instructional materials using multiple intelligences theory for the tenth grade students of Santa Maria High School. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Endriana, Yosefin (2006) Designing a set of English instructional materials using pictures to teach writing to the seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 2 Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Ezerman, Maria Marina (2006) Designing a set of english speaking instructional materials using task-based learning for the execuives of center for training and development Perum Perhutani Madiun. Skripsi thesis, Snata Dharma University.


Fernantya, Blasius Denny (2006) Designing a set of English speaking instructional materials using the task-based method for the first grade of senior high school. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Filani, Rosalia (2006) A study of teachers` role in facilitating value learning in reading lesson. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Ginting, Victoria Dian (2006) The effectiveness of using the self access language learning [sall] programme for learning grammar in Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 2 [SMKN 2] Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Gultom, Witman (2006) The portrayal of Danny O`Neill as a reflection of James T. Farrell`s life in his novel My Days of Anger. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Hambawati, Bernadeta Dewi (2006) Anna Leonowens` motivations to be persistent in teaching the king`s family as seen in Margaret Landon`s Anna and The King of Siam. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Harendika, Melania Shinta (2006) The implementation of the oracy cycle in Pangudi Luhur Bintang Laut Junior High School Surakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Haryani, Eny (2006) The influence of socio-cultural aspects on gender discrimination as revealed in Arundhati Roy`s The God of Small Things. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Herawati, Henny and Joeliantini, Sri (2006) The African American Women's Futile Quest for Self Identity in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye. LLT Journal. pp. 115-132. ISSN 1410-7201

Hermawan, Widyo (2006) The external conflicts due to different views of religious practice as revealed in Girzone`s Joshua. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Indahayu, Sisilia Prisma (2006) Designing a set of supplementary materials using task-based learning in teaching vocabulary for the first grade students of senior high school. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Indarto, Stephanus (2006) Code-switching by Geronimo FM Radio presenters. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Irawati, Martina Novi (2006) Designing a set of supplementary english instructional materials to enhance vocabulary acquisition through story telling for the fourth grade students of SD Kanisius Sengkan Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Joly, Joly (2006) The spiritual journey of the main character based on the teaching on Buddhism as seen in Geshe Michael Roach`s The garden : a parable. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Kartikasari, Narwastu (2006) The motivation of red and Andy in building frienship as reflected in Stephen King`s different seasons. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Koentari, Theresia Esha Ayu (2006) Designing a set of instructional materials for the tourist police officers. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Kristian, Kristian (2006) A study of Yuichi`s intrapersonal conflicts as a homosexual as seen in Yukio Mishima`s Forbidden Colors. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Kusuma Wardhani, Yasintha Dyah Pertiwi (2006) Designing a set of English speaking instructional materials for the security staff at Rumah Budaya Tembi. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Maharani, Dian Fransiska (2006) Designing a set of english public speaking materials and evaluation instruments using the competency-based curriculum for the pengembangan wawasan khusus program of the first grade studients of SMA 7 Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Maharani, Flora (2006) Forrest gump`s motivation for possessing positive thinking in his life as seen in winston groom`s forrest gump. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Mahardewi, Luh Gde Primasari (2006) The influences of the birth mother and stepmother on the main character`s personality in tanizaki`s the bridge of dreams. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Mardikaningrum, Yuliana Dewi Puspa (2006) Developing integrated english learning experiences based on living values : an educational program for the fifth and sixth grade Xaverius Elementary Students of Ambon. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Martalinova, Putri Dina (2006) Designing a set of English instructional listening materials based on Competency-Based Curriculum [CBC] for the tenth grade students of Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan [SMK] Kristen 1 Surakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Mitter, Francoes (2006) Designing a set of exreacurricular materials based on multiple intelligences theory using creative drama for the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Depok Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Narita, Narita (2006) Designing a set of instructional materials to teach English based on multiple intelligences theory to kindergarten students. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Nugraheni, Maria Septi (2006) Designing a set of reading instructional materials based on self-questioning method for the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Mungkid. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Nugrahini, Ratri (2006) Designing a set of english speaking instructional materials for public relation officials of Kota Yogyakarta local government. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Nurani, Elisabeth Yuyun (2006) The use of domino cards in teaching new vocabulary to the students of super kids level 1 in purikids. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Oktarenie, Inggrid (2006) Designing a set of english instructional speaking materials using task-based learning for circle cashiers in Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Olanina, Esther Elita (2006) The study of idealism and reality in somebody`s life as seen in Jean Brodie the main character of Muriel Spark`s the prime of miss jean brodie. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Pambudi, Aristya (2006) A study grammatical errors in the 2001/2002 PBI students` english compositions. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Pambudi, Tunjung Sigit (2006) The motives influencing Winston`s Rebellion as seen in the life of Winston Smith, the main character of George Orwell`s 1984. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Panjaitan, Hardo Rainer (2006) Lilith`s and Eve`s influences on Adam`s Maturity development in John Erskine`s Adam and Eve : though he knew better. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Pasaribu, Tuty Hartati (2006) Implementing cooperative learning activities in reading subject for grade 11 students of language programme in SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Penatas, Bartholomeus Diaz Anggun Wisnu (2006) Designing vocabulary games as supplementary learning materials for eks 1 [English for kindergarten students 1] in top training centre. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Pitriyani, Iwuk (2006) A study of ellie`s guilty feeling in mary higgins clark`s daddy`s little girl. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Prananingrum, B. Rien Endah (2006) The influence of environment on Waverly Jong`s personality development as seen in Amy Tan`s The Joy Luck Club. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Purba, Dewi Maharani (2006) A study of the main character`s motivations for accepting the death sentence in Nawal El Saadawi`s Woman at Point Zero. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Purba, Yohanes Sanaha (2006) The teacher and student lived experience in english class from the point of view of equity pedagogy. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Puspita, Agustina Ratna (2006) Designing a set of english instructional materials for the fourth grade of elementary school based on the theory of multiple intelligences. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Puspitasari, Yulia Frida (2006) The influence of Jamie Sullivan`s emotion towards her motivation to struggle for life as seen in nicholas sparks a walk to remember. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Ratnawati, Dyah Ayu (2006) An analysis of the English summative tests for the second-year students of state senior high schools in Yogyakarta municipality. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Rosarie, Stevana Dian (2006) Jerry`s motivation to remain as a pedophile as seen in scott campbell`s touched. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Rumjati, Widuri Gito (2006) Designing a set of instructional speaking materials for the extracurricular activities based on the principles of cooperative learning for the secound year students of SMAN 1 Godean-Sleman, Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Rumjati, Widuri Gito (2006) Designing a set of instructional speaking materials for the extracurricular activities based on the principles of cooperative learning for the secound year students of SMAN 1 Godean-Sleman, Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Sadewo, Lukas Yargo (2006) Developing a computer based english speaking materials for the beginner level. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sari, V. Yusanti Nawung (2006) Designing a set of english instructional materials based on multiple intelligences for playgroup. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sarjito, Ignasius Bowo (2006) The contributions of the main character to the plot as seen in John Grisham`s the summons. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sedjati, Batista Ismoyo (2006) The influence of social relationship on Lorna Barnett`s personality development as seen in lavyrle spencer`s november of the heart. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Seta, Martinus Ariya (2006) A study of symbols presented in Dan Brown`s The Da Vinci Code : a semiotic analysis. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Setiawati, Indah (2006) Improving the first grade student`s speaking fluency in Sanjaya Vocational High School Pakem Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Setyaningrum, Aloysia Linda (2006) Designing a set of English learning materials for students in the fourth grade of SDKE Mangunan incorporating multiple intelligences and cooperative learning theories. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Setyaningsih, Valentina Enny (2006) Analysis of Mark Sway`s motivation in holding back the truth as seen in John Grisham`s the client. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Setyanto, Petrus Gratiano Widi (2006) The effectiveness of teaching english using quantum teaching methodology in Grade V Kanisius Kenteng Elementary School. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Siti Nurhayati, Monica Minuk (2006) A case study of the implication of integrated english instruction for the first year students of senior high school at SMA N 2 Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sitoresmi, Dian (2006) Empowering critical thinking through a community of learners in extensive reading I. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sugiyanto, Erlita Monika (2006) Bilbo Baggins`s heroic qualities in J.R.R. Tolkien`s novel the hobbit. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sugiyarto, Albertus Wawan (2006) A study of cal bradley`s intrapersonal conflicts as seen in Andrew Klavan`s man and wive. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Suhartanto, Yohanes Yoyok (2006) Santiago`s decision making process in his exertions in realizing his dream as revealed in paulo coelho`s the alchemist. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sukmajati, Valentinus Brama (2006) Illustrating Hans Christian Andersen`s fairy tales in comic-strips form as supplementary reading materials for young learners. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sumarmianto, Priyambodo (2006) Designing a set communicative english speaking materials for the cruise ship crew candidates at yotabakti marine hotel training school. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Sundari, Dwi Retno (2006) Designing a set of English instructional materials to teach basic speaking ability based on the theory of multiple intelligences to the first grade students of SD Kanisius Baciro Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Surya Putranti, Widya (2006) An analysis on the errors in the english composition. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Suryandari, Xaveri Diah (2006) Designing a set of instructional reading materials for the second semester students of Psychology Department of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Suryo Jati, Ervita (2006) Kausalya and Rama`s attitudes toward the conflicts in the struggle for power as seen in banker`s prince of Ayodhya. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Suryono, Koko (2006) Brady Minton`s motivations in helping a slave, moss, to be free as seen in Jean Fritz Brady. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Susilastiwi, Christina Anita (2006) Designing a set of english speaking instructional materials using multiple intelligences approach for level 1 active-e program of purikids Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Suwastina, Monica Presi (2006) The meanings of love and relationship for the main character, Peony, as portrayed in Buck`s The Bondmaid. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Tri Astutiningtyas, Elisabeth (2006) The implementation of integrated instruction in writing of the english language education study program 2005/2006. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Tri Mulyono, Antonius (2006) Reaksi pasar terhadap seratus hari pemerintahan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono : kasus pada perusahaan sektor keuangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Jakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Widhiatmoko, Lucky Trias (2006) Designing a set of movie based instructional material to teach vocabulary for children in language center institution. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Widieatni, Daru Dita (2006) Designing a set of supplementary grammar instructional materials employing a communicative framework for the ninth grade students of SMPN 2 Mlati Sleman. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Widiyantoro, Bodro (2006) The influence of love in one`s life as seen in oliver and jennifer, the main characters of erich segal`s love story. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Widowati, Agnes Titis (2006) The influences of Jennifer`s cultural background on her love relationship as seen in Erich Segal`s Love Story. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Widyasari, Chrispina Irni (2006) Designing a set of integrated reading-writing materials based on competency-based curriculum for the second grade of senior high school students of SMA Negeri 9 Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Widyasari, Susana (2006) Kindergarten teacher talk : a case study. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Windiarsi P, Wahyu (2006) A study on the deixis recognition in the reading comprehension of the second semester students of The English Education Program of Sanata Dharma University. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wirdhoningrum, Windhy (2006) The motivation of sheila levine in committing suicide as seen in gail parent`s sheila levine is dead and living in New York. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wishnu, Lingga (2006) A study on the generic structure and linguistic features on students` argumentative writing. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wisnu, Hernest (2006) The implementation of task-based instruction in teaching speaking. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wulandari, Asti (2006) The influence of chateau d`if on dantes` personality in dumas` the count of monte cristo. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Wuryanti, Maria Suci (2006) Modifying Javanese traditional games to provide a set of English vocabulary games for children aged 7 until 10. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.


Yuavita, Ella (2006) Designing a set of English supplementary reading materials for the students of Panti Rapih Nursing Academy Jogjakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Yuliana, E. Dina (2006) The influence of Jennifer Cavilleri on Oliver Barret`s personality development in Erich Segal`s Love Story. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

Yuniarawati, Chatarina (2006) Designing a set of supplementary grammar materials based on competency-based curriculum for the third grade students of Santa Maria senior high school Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Sanata Dharma University.

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